Audio Stories

Several of these audio stories are accompanied by additional materials, such as read-along books, coloring books, and toys.

Some of the Benefits of Audiobooks
  • Model good interpretive reading
  • Teach critical listening
  • Introduce students to books above their reading level
  • Highlight the humor in books
  • Introduce new genres that students might not otherwise consider
  • Introduce new vocabulary or difficult proper names or locales
  • Sidestep unfamiliar dialects or accents, Old English, and old-fashioned literary styles
  • Provide a read-aloud model
  • Recapture the essence and the delights of hearing stories beautifully told by extraordinarily talented storytellers
  • Provide a bridge to important topics of discussion for parents and children who can listen together while commuting to sporting events, music lessons, or on vacations

Excerted from "Benefits of Audiobooks for All Readers" by Denise Johnson, Professor, College of William and Mary